Saturday, October 30, 2010

More Useful Steel Tables

I have uploaded some new tables to the following location (Steel Design Tables) on structuralpedia:
The tables are AISC wide flange beam section properties in english and metric units.
I will be uploading more tables in the future, but if there are some that you would like to see, feel free to contact me.
View this post conveniently at:

Friday, October 22, 2010

Re: AISC Beams by Flange Width

Thank you.   What's really useful is the gage which I haven't seen since the 7h edition.

Neil Moore, SE, SECB

On 10/22/2010 11:29 AM, Jeremy White wrote:

Hope you find this useful:

AISC Beams by Flange Width

- JWhite

AISC Beams by Flange Width

Hope you find this useful:

AISC Beams by Flange Width

- JWhite

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Sikadur Epoxies Application Guide

Here is a useful table (attached) ( created by Sika which gives guidance on use of their Sikadur products including the following:

Sikadur 32, Hi-Mod
Sikadur 32, Hi-Mod LPL
Sikadur 35, Hi-Mod LV
Sikadur 35, Hi-Mod LV LPL
Sikadur 31, Hi-Mod Gel
Sikadur 31, Hi-Mod Gel LPL
Sikadur 22, Lo-Mod
Sikadur 21, Lo-Mod LV
Sikadur 23, Lo-Mod Gel
Sikadur 52
Sikadur Injection Gel
Sikadur 33
Sikadur 42, Grout Pak
Sikadur 43, Patch-Pak
Sikadur 55 SLV
Sikadur AnchorFix-1
Sikadur AnchorFix-2
Sikadur AnchorFix-3
Sikadur AnchorFix-4

I was not able to find the AnchorFix-3 or -4 on their website.  Do they still make these?
